The Enterprise Learning Alliance (ELA) is a cross phase pupil referral unit which caters for young people between the ages of 11 and 16. The service covers a wide geographical area in South East Kent which includes Thanet, Deal and Dover. The ELA consists of three sites where pupils are offered full time provision. The ELA also supports additional pupils through outreach support in mainstream schools and the delivery of group and individualised behaviour intervention programmes on a part time basis.
It is our belief that this provision should include careers education, information, advice and guidance. The effective provision of this; raises aspirations, encourages participation in further education, supports pupils academic progress and promotes equality of opportunity. We believe it is important that pupils are not excluded from accessing CEIAG opportunities.
The careers programme is delivered throughout the academic year. It is our intention that all pupils are given opportunity to access this programme during their time with Enterprise Learning Alliance.
The intentions of the career programme are:
- To enable pupils to make informed choices about their future education and career paths.
- To develop pupils understanding of the world of work.
- To encourage pupils to develop the skills required in order to be successful in the pursuit of their future plans.
The careers programme is delivered across the academic year through a number of activities including:
- Access to individual careers guidance for yr 11 pupils (including those who might be educated off-site) which is personalised and relevant to the needs and interests of the pupil.
- Talks from external speakers on topics including post 16 options, apprenticeships and employability.
- Interactive group sessions with the Department for Work & Pensions on a range of topics.
- Several visits to a further education provider (college/training providers) for all yr 11 pupils.
- Presentations by local businesses.
- Work experience opportunities for yr 11 pupils, agreed on an individual basis if appropriate for the pupil.
- KS4 pupils will additionally be offered the opportunity to attend the Kent Choices local events and access individual visits to post 16 providers (as required).
- Careers is covered throughout the curriculum, in particular within PSHE and the vocational subjects offered.
Pupils can access careers information, advice and guidance through a fully qualified and independent careers adviser who works with Enterprise Learning Alliance on a termly basis. The careers programme is overseen by the appointed Careers Leader, Sam Burton.
The careers programme is reviewed annually and feedback is sought from pupils, parents and staff. Additional measures we use to review the programme include; destination data, compliance to Gatsby benchmarks and the Compass online tool.
ELA's whole school careers lead is: Sam Burton email: Mobile: 07702901252